Friday, 30 May 2014

Do You Feel Misplaced As An Employee In An Organisation? Here is What Having a Shared Vision Will Do for You.

Do You Feel Misplaced As An Employee In An Organisation?
Here is What Having a Shared Vision Will Do for You.

Just as organisations have vision statements that guide their affairs, so should individuals have personal vision that guide them towards achieving their personal goals. Vision is the mental picture of a desired future and it is a force that provides meaning and purpose to the work of an organization. Discovering yourself is the path to having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. Having a clear vision in turn guides your goal setting and your quest to its fulfillment. Your personal vision guides your life and provides the direction necessary to chart the course of your days and the choices you make about your career. A lot of people tend to feel misplaced in the organisations they work in and they end up complaining, look forward to ‘thank God it’s Friday’ and sad every Sunday evening at the thought of Monday because they do not have a sense of ownership in the organisation.
First things first, you shouldn't even be in an organisation you do not have a shared vision with. That is, the vision does not tally with your personal vision. A lot of people make the mistake of applying into organisations all because of its status or the remuneration. At the end of the day, they merely exist, just working to fulfill all righteousness and constantly counting down to the next salary for that is the only thing that keeps them going. Their motivation to work is only extrinsic. Making your personal vision determine your choice of career and the position you apply for makes puts you at an advantage and increases your input in the organisation. Go for a job that has vision is in line with your passion and every other thing will follow.
It Starts from Having a Clear Personal Vision
If you don’t already have a personal vision that guides your day to day activities, goals that sets you on a mission, and a mental image that describes your perceived future, get some! Sit down, get a pen and notepad and write out what you want to achieve in life or say in the next one, three, five years or what have you. Outline your strengths, skills and the things that inspire you. Knowing what you want influences your choice of career and other areas of your life. Not having a clear vision is the reason people go from job to jobs but never getting the satisfaction that comes from being in the right environment doing what you love.
What Shared Vision Will Do for You
Organisations conduct training programs that is in line with the objectives as a result of stated vision in order to imbibe in their workers what the organisation is set to achieve, it is the concept of Shared Vision. Being an employee in an organisation that does what you love gives you a sense of ownership and the moment you see your job as working for yourself with a free office, you become liberated from the constant challenges that most workers face when they begin to feel like they are only another person’s dream come true and neglecting theirs.

Having a Sense of Ownership
Incorporating your personal vision to your organisation’s is about knowing what you want and finding the organisation that can help you achieve it. Going to work becomes fun, it gives you a sense of duty that makes you want to do more. Your motivation to work becomes intrinsic. This becomes a win-win situation for both the employer and employee.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Self-Discovery Resources

Over the past weeks, we have been dealing with a topic that you ought to admit by now is crucial to your success and happiness in life; Self-discovery. We have read Ugo’s story and last week we discussed the steps to self-discovery. A lot more can be said about the topic but that will amount to publishing a book on a blog. That is absolutely not the intention here. However, what can be done is to suggest materials that will definitely be helpful to you.

In this concluding episode in our self-discovery series, you will be getting resources that are sure to help you on this life changing quest. Below are suggestions of some books, movies and even some activities that will help you on this quest.

The On-Purpose Person by Kevin McCarthy
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
The Passion Test by Janet Attwood and Chris Attwood
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Do What You Are by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger

Lisa Haggis said Every time you hear yourself saying “I’ve never ____”, consider changing that as soon as you can. And for every new experience you love or hate, don’t forget that the real clarity comes from asking yourself “why?”
She recommends the following activities which we have edited to suit the Nigerian audience;
·         Acting/Improv
·         Singing Classes
·         Facing Your Fears
·         Acts of Generosity & Giving
·         Travel (Especially Alone)
·         Meditation
·         Writing, Blogging or Journaling
·         Art
·         Interviewing People
·         Spirituality

Lost Souls
Eat Pray Love
Soul Surfer
The Pursuit of Happiness
October Sky

There are three days left in this month that is including today. And actually, that is all you need to begin this quest. Realize that self-discovery is a lifetime activity, however, a three day dedication to it is going to help you a great deal. So that future activities in this line will simply be for refinement not location. There are many movies as there are books on the topic, so get involved and discover yourself.
If you have any suggestions about this topic, kindly leave a comment below. Have you read any book, seen any movie or participated in any activity that has helped you or someone you know with self-discovery? Then leave a comment about it, we will be glad to learn from you.

All the best.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

We are Hiring: Apply Now

Job Vacancies

Here are job openings for you!

Send your CV and application to Use the Job title as the subject of the email.

1.  Architect/ Site Supervisor
Position available: 3
Location: Apapa, Lagos.

Job Description
Intern will be exposed to on and offsite experience, improve their skills in AutoCad, on-the job training in design solutions and project management.

·         Undergraduates seeking an IT position, OND Holders, HND holders, fresh graduate awaiting  Nysc , Entry Level Professionals in Architecture or any related course.
·         Applicant is required to have an understanding of design and associated software, and ability to pay attention to detail.
Time Scale- 6months - 1year
Stipend: Undergraduate= 20,000 Entry-level= 30,000

2. Sales Engineer
Position available: 4
Location: Victoria Island, Lagos Island
Job Description
Sales and marketing in the engineering field.
·         Internships for undergraduates, OND, HND, graduates awaiting Nysc, Entry Level Professional in Engineering or related course.
·         Applicant must desire to grow skill sets.
·          Applicant must possess strong command of English language and excellent interpersonal skills.
·         Applicant must have a strong work ethic and must mirror SESEWA values.

Time scale: 6 months – 1 year
Stipend:  Undergraduate= 20,000 Entry-level= 30,000 – 40,000

3.    Marketer
Location: Lagos Island
Internship Description
Interns will get first-hand experience in marketing; Harness their creative abilities, improve their communication skills as they developing marketing strategies and project management.
·         Internship positions for undergraduates, OND Holders, HND, fresh graduates waiting for service, Entry Level Professional in Marketing, Business Administration or related course.
·         Applicant must desire to grow skill sets.
·         Applicant must pay attention to details and must have the He/ she must possess strong command of English language and excellent interpersonal skills.
·         Applicant must have a strong work ethic and must mirror SESEWA values.

Time scale: 6 months – 1 year
Stipend:  Undergraduate= 20,000 Entry-level= 30,000

4.    Social Media Manager
Location: Ikoyi, Lagos Island
Internship Description
Intern will be exposed to the essentials of social media marketing, customer relations, content development and health management as the organization is a grocery store for natural food, whole fruits & vegetables.
·         Fresh graduates awaiting Nysc, Entry Level Professional in any related course with sound knowledge of the use of social media and ICT.
·         Applicant must pay attention to details.
·          Applicant must possess strong command of English language and excellent interpersonal skills.
·         Applicant must have a strong work ethic and must mirror SESEWA values.

Position Number: 1 person
Time scale: 6 months – 1 year
Stipend:  30,000

5.       Creative Writer
Location: Online
Internship Description
This internship will explore the creativity of the intern; exposing him/ her to the dynamic world of journalism and content development. Intern will be exposed to valuable experience that will enhance general skill level and increase competence.
Qualification and Requirements
·         Fresh graduates waiting for service, Entry Level Professional in any related course with exceptional writing skills.
·         Applicant must desire to grow skill sets.
·         Applicant must possess strong command of English language and excellent interpersonal skills.
·         Applicant must have a strong work ethic and must mirror SESEWA values.
Position Number: 2 persons
Time scale: 6 months – 1 year
Stipend:  Undergraduate= 20,000 Entry-level= 30,000

Monday, 26 May 2014

4 Tips for Answering the Golden Question

4 Tips for Answering the Golden Question
There is usually a question we tend to guess right as one of the likely questions to be asked in an interview, “Tell us about yourself.” This question has become a cliché, but it is still one of the trending questions at an interview or even a date! Only an individual who truly has a brilliant self awareness or self discovery can answer this golden question intelligently. It is quite amazing how the golden question catches us unaware, stuttering for words or laid back. Here are tips that would help in answering the golden question!
Tell me about yourself? (The Golden question)
1.      Stop being vague. Have you heard the song that says I am not my hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within… that is exactly what you should consider when you start off answering the question. Most likely the interviewer or as the case may be already knows your name, so spare the personal details that includes your height, complexion, marital status, birth position, favourite food etc except the person asking asked specifically for those details, or if it is relevant for the job position or situation, don’t. It only makes you appear unintelligent.
2.      Start by stating your interests and strengths. This could range from the current activities you are engaged in which may be the kind of job position you are suitable for, your course of study, the programs you have attended and the reasons you went for it. This would make the interviewer so to speak, see you in a more captivating light and having similar interests will certainly earn you some points!
3.      Sell yourself. The golden question gives you the opportunity to advertise and sell yourself. The best way to do this is to describe your mission, vision, values and goals especially as it relates to the situation.
4.      Know Thyself! You can only answer the golden question intelligently and follow the tips mentioned above if you genuinely know yourself. There are no two ways about it, you either know who you are, or you don’t. Taking time to engage in self discovery activities and personal training and development will enlighten self awareness.